


Frazzled we sweltered,
dazzled we sheltered
as the storm raged
in the sky overhead.

First days of July
were extraordinarily hot.
Dog didn’t like it a lot
and neither did I.

Tennis playing Brits
were cooked to bits,
dead beat in the heat
and most died in defeat.


Absentmindedness (a Terzanelle Poem)

A Terzanelle Poem

I have this secret to share:
she cannot find her glasses.
I know exactly where

and as time passes
she’ll find them again.
She cannot find her glasses

she has a mixed-up brain.
She is so absent-minded.
She’ll find them again,

they’re actually on her head!
She can keep secrets:
she is so absent-minded,

but she never forgets
where she’s hidden her wine.
She can keep secrets

I will not keep mine.
I have this secret to share:
where she’s hidden her wine
I know exactly where.


Extract from writersdigest.com 2015 April PAD Challenge, day 2:- Terzanelle Poetic Form
What do you get when you mix two super popular Italian poetic forms, specifically the terza rima and villanelle? The terzanelle, of course!

It combines the lyricism of the terza rima with the repetition of the villanelle to make a powerful one-two punch in only 19 lines. The traditional stance on the terzanelle is that the lines should be written in a consistent iambic meter, but there are plenty of contemporary terzanelles that just aspire to keep the lines a consistent length throughout.

Here’s the rhyme and refrain order for the Terzanelle: Continue reading



Aubergine’s not a veg it’s a fruit
but that colour will do for my suit
cos I can’t find the right shade of purple.
Damson is downright too dark
even blackberry don’t hit the mark
for I can’t find the right shade of purple.
Grape is graceful but blue,
Hyacinth has an hypnotic hue,
Indigo is indirectly purple.
Just cannot find a duller
Kaleidoscope of colour.
Lavender and lilac look too pale,
Magenta’s mostly on the nail.
Nothing even rhymes with purple.
Oh I wish I could find
Purple of the right kind.
Queer shades of puce
Really are no use.
Some shades are too pink
The others too blue. I think
Under ultraviolet light
Violet doesn’t look quite right.
When I’m old I’ll wear purple
Xcept when I wear black.
You can expect me to throw back
Zillions of shades, but not purple.


Writersdigest.com April Poem a Day challenge day 5 – prompt Vegetables


2012-07-21 14.49.06 (1024x768)THE MARKET STALL

He stood there in his mac with rain
dripping all down his trouser leg
shouting “Please, come and buy again
some of my lovely fruit and veg”.
I hurried by with my head low
well hidden under my brolly
until I saw some mistletoe
next to a small bunch of holly.
And that turned out to be the start
of something that was very big.
I was in the Christmas spirit
so I purchased a little sprig.
In spite of the driving rainfall
I was a most mischievous miss
and I went back to the veg stall
and stole a cheeky Christmas kiss.
That did me a whole lot of good,
being septuagenarian,
now I will be sure to have food
as I am vegetarian.
He is rough around the edges
and I don’t want to be his wife
but I’m guaranteed fresh veggies
and fruit for the rest of my life.




Whirr, whirr, whirr!
Her vacuum machine!
She uses it every day.
The noise drives me mad
but actually I have to say
I’d prefer my pad
to be more serene
but still clean.

Whirr, whirr, whirr!
Her washing machine!
What a dreadful racket that makes
while I try to snooze
and then when it’s over she takes
her stuff out to use
her drying machine.
That’s so mean!

I like radio.
That is on all day
to stop me feeling all alone,
or so they all say.
But constant ringing on her phone,
irritates me so.
That should go!

Can I get some peace?
It’s very hard for me to sleep
soundly as I should
because I always have to keep
aware of no good,
as the house police.
Less noise please!

The very worst thing
that aggravates me
is her perishing computer.
Hours spent that should be
quality time spent together
walking or playing.
Just saying!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.




She puts her gold necklace
or her earrings
on the shelf.

But she’s a secret place
where she hides things
from herself.

Like bottles of red wine
or chocolate
or good cheese.

Then when it’s the right time
she’ll fetch them out
just to please.

It is strange, to be sure,
is why it is

she can remember where
are her glasses
not at all

but will never forget
just where her treat
is hiding.

It is well hidden yet
it won’t defeat
her finding. Continue reading

Ladies who Lunch

A poem from our waitress’s perspective

Just an orange juice they want,
a cup of tea for Mable,
oh, and a jug of water
for the rest of the table.
And one wants an extra plate
to share her lunch with her friend,
and another wants to swap
her chair and sit on the end.
They want to know if they can
have a “pensioner” amount
included in the “specials”
or if we will give discount.
Lunch only costs a fiver
but they will sit there for hours,
moaning about their ailments,
boasting about their flowers.
They’ll argue over the bill
and I have the slightest hunch
that we won’t get a big tip
from these Ladies who Lunch!

Do not rain on the Wedding!


Why wait until right now?
A bride is just about to make her vow!
Someone I work with is getting married today,
so rain, you can rain now, but then please go away!
Although it is very true that we need our gardens watering,
their wedding plans this sudden shower of rain is slaughtering.
Let this unforecasted shower just be a quick little friendly sprinkle
and stop before the time when their church wedding bells start to tinkle
Rain, you can fall now but then please go away and let the sun back out,
or the blushing bride will get her white wedding dress wet,  without a doubt.
They are going to get married in a nearby church here at the stroke of one,

Beyond all hope


I am now beyond all hope!
There is definitely really no scope
for me leaving that bottle of red wine
until I reach the bottom. I still feel fine.
But then the next morning I feel so bad
with cramp in both legs, pumping blood
and I’m feeling like death warmed up,
until I get a hot, strong, black cup of
coffee and some food inside.
When will I learn to avoid
opening that bottle?
I’m not sure
I can
my brain has gone.

Do not rain on the wedding!

Rainbow 30.04.10

Why wait until right now?
A groom is just about to take his vow!
Someone I work with is getting married today,
so rain, you can rain now, but then please go away!
Although it is very true I well need my garden watering,
their wedding plans this sudden heavy rain is slaughtering.
Let this needed downpour just be a quick little friendly sprinkle
and just before the time when  their wedding bells  start to tinkle
rain please stop now.  Rain please go away and let the sun back out,
or the blushing bride will get her wedding dress wet,  without a doubt.
They are going to get married in a nearby church here at half past two,


My words seem to have worked – the sun came out again in time for their wedding!

Nimrod and Caesar

Nimrod was a mighty hunter, so the Bible said,
but like every ancient hunter, he ended up dead.
Nimrod was my mother’s dog, big, black and strong.
Everywhere my mother went, Nimrod would come along.
My mother loved good music, she would listen to Classics FM,
so when my mother died, we chose her favourite hymn.
Elgar composed Enigma Variations, Nimrod was the best.
We played Nimrod at Mum’s funeral, with Nimod’s ashes locked in her chest.

Continue reading


it is plain.
I really think
I am on the brink
of a brand new romance.
Shall I take a second chance?
Or will I soon be shedding tears
when it all goes pear-shaped over years?
But if nothing ventured, there’ll be no gain,
or maybe I’ll just end up alone again.


February is here now and the days are getting lighter,
so those of us with SAD syndrome can feel a little brighter.
We’ve got rid of the worst months of our depressing winter gloom,
and now it’s time for us to see garden flowers start to bloom.

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A Snowy Week

Snow 2013-01-18Friday 18th

Snow is falling all around.
There’s no birds, no cars, no sound.
No dogs are barking, no caterwauling.
Just lots of snow falling, falling.

BookendsDogs are sleeping on the couch.
Had their walk, their bone, their pouch.
They’ve been out sniffing, been a-peeping.
Now they’re softly sleeping, sleeping.

Trees are glistening with the snow.
Plants are gone, deep down, won’t grow.
The ground is freezing, birds are listening,
All is white and glistening, glistening.

Continue reading

New Year Resolutions 2013

Okay, it’s New Year’s Day and it’s time for some resolutions,
but I’ve given up making them, I just need some solutions.
I have absolutely no more room in my house for more “stuff”,
and I’ve tried to downsize, but obviously not hard enough.
So this year, I’ll throw away something every single day,
never mind how much I had to pay, or how I’d like it to stay.
As I didn’t use it, play it, wear it or eat it last year,
if I threw it away tomorrow, I should not shed a tear.

Continue reading

A Frosty Day

Frosted Eucalyptus tree 2012-12-12 10.13I love a frosty Wednesday morning like today under a clear blue sky.
Apart from the friendly robin in the bushes over there,
there’s no-one in the world about except my dog and I,
and our breath is steaming from us both in the fresh and icy air.
Such is retirement on a Wednesday –
almost as good as being a Sunday!

Continue reading

Leisure or Pleasure?

I was wandering alone in the park
just before it was getting dark,
when a passing thought came to me
how lucky birds were to be free.
I wanted then to stop and stare
at a pony, and a grey mare,
and I quote a very famous ode
which came into mind as I strode.
I asked aloud, with no-one there,
‘What is this life if full of care?’

Continue reading