Angels White Heaven


I know something known by nobody else.
I feel, hear, see with my sixth sense.
I know that fairies wander out at night.
I watch them dance around in the moonlight.
I see them swinging from off our lamp post,
riding on moonbeams sprinkling fairy dust
and spinning down on dandelion cotton
I see them scattering cherry blossom.

I see the ghosts of your two dogs as well.
I feel their presence, and can sniff their smell.
I see them sometimes, then they disappear,
and at night when you’re fast asleep I hear
them calling you. So I bark to wake you.
You just think that I’m trying to make you
come downstairs to give me some attention.
You cannot see into this dimension.

But they are still here with you all the time.
They sent me here from the Rainbow Bridge. I’m
here ’til you can be united again,
your guardian White Angel sent from Heaven.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human”
Read about my puppy adventures at


2014-07-27 16.31.14

Me and my duck before I split him into two pieces


“What is the matter?  Please don’t cry.”
It wasn’t my fault, honestly.
I swear by my headless duck I
didn’t kill that big bumble bee.
And I swear by my duckless head
I really tried to set him free
but he flew in then dropped down dead
and lay there right in front of me.
His legs were wiggling all akimbo.
I picked him up but he kept wriggling
He stung my mouth, boy it hurts so.
Have you something for a bee-sting?

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human”


2014-08-07 20.03.55ABSENTEE

I’m sitting in the back
of Mum’s car in my crate
as the guy in the truck
behind us mouths “Hi Mate!”

What are we doing here
stuck in this traffic jam?
I’m supposed to be there
by six ten, so I am
going to be very late
for my training school date.

Travelling through rush hour
each week we have to drive
but just last week, oh dear,
I didn’t even arrive.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human”


2014-06-15 15.31.11ACCUSED

I lie here jaded, accused .
You say it was I who abused
the blanket in my bedroom?
This is character assassination!
You only have circumstantial
evidence surely? But I cannot tell
you a monumental barefaced lie.
I will have to admit it was actually I.

Don’t just stand there in amazement.
I was feeling lonely and discontent
and then suddenly I started puking.
I couldn’t face your rebuking,
and so at dawn, in my defence,
I tried to destroy the evidence.

I’ll bet you’ll never be able to forgive me
for my remorseless, premeditated savagery.
Please don’t rant at me or torture me.

Please don’t eyeball me like that.
I’m a worthless hound I know but
it’s an addiction to chewing I’ve got.
Can we compromise or negotiate?

I’ll go without treats for a maybe a week?
I’ll grovel at your feet, if only you’d speak
kindly to me again. Please be generous
I beg you. I feel so gloomy when I arouse
your anger. I’m ashamed, blushing in disgrace.
Please don’t send me back to my birthplace.

Shakespearean words in italics.
Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human”

Click here for a link to some words coined by Shakespeare

 © 2015 Jezebel Myschka

Ode to my Blanket

9 weeks old

9 weeks old


O blanket, I love thee
I’ve never chewed thee before
but now that I’ve started
I’ll chew thee some more.

When Mum comes back in
she’ll throw an epileptic fit
so when she finds out
I’ll have to grovel a bit.

Shakespearian words in italics.
Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human”

Click here for a link to some words coined by Shakespeare


WP_20150110_19_08_14_Pro 2AUNTIE

Auntie’s in Canada, across the sea
but next week she’s coming to visit me
because it’s Mum’s seventieth birthday.
I like it when she’s here because we play.

If I stand up tall on my tippi-toes
I’ll be able to reach up to her nose.
Last time I could only reach to her chin
to give her a kiss, much to her chagrin.

She don’t like my kisses, I can’t think why,
pushes me away from her when I try.
I don’t understand, I feel in a muddle
‘cos she likes a hug and a doggy cuddle.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human”


WP_20150424_11_35_33_Pro 2ATTENTION

I’ve special moments in my day:
when you pick up my ball to play,
when you come down during the night
just as it’s starting to get light,
when you give me a tickle-tum,
when I hear your car coming home,
when I hear your key in the door,
or when we have a shake-a-paw,
when you get my collar and lead,
when you fill my bowl for my feed,
when you say “Right, it must be time…”

These all are the moments that I’m
always waiting for, when I’m sure
I’ll be likely to receive your
rare undivided attention
(getting treats goes without mention).
Not so special is when you shout
to tell me to “get down” or “go out”,
“no” “don’t bite” or “leave next door’s cat”.

But for you I will accept that.
If I don’t always toe the line
ANY of your attention’s fine.
I’ll accept that you are busy
and cannot spend all day with me.
Understand when I’m around you
moments that I don’t like are few.
Whenever you’re near I am glad,
whenever you’re gone I am sad.


WP_20150208_10_37_59_Pro 2ANCESTORS

I’m pure White GSD
with a good pedigree
but it’s a mystery
why in my history
there’s a Black Gypsy,
and a Dark Lucky!



Mum once told me a good story
of a dog well known in history,
a star of the silent movie.
Like me he was a GSD.
I want to be like Rin Tin Tin,
do agility shows and win,
but I’m pretty bad at training
and am still at the beginning
so I think my chance is quite slim
that I’d ever be famous like him.



Rin Tin Tin was his name.
From World War One he came
and very famous he became. Continue reading

Animal Instinct

2014-08-02 10.31.39 2ANIMAL INSTINCT

Look, I am just an animal,
I’m doing what is natural.
I’m sorry if it offends you,
if it horrifies your friends too.

As I am a German Shepherd
it is in my nature to herd,
therefore when I’m after a bird
I’d prefer you’d say not a word.

I enjoy chasing a bunny,
I know you don’t think that’s funny.
and I like rolling in fox poo:
it’s the natural thing to do.

Cats and dogs out in the jungle
would never be seen to mingle,
so don’t be at all angry please
that I bark at next door’s Siamese.

You’d like me to stop doing what
is natural to me? I’ll not!
I’m just a creature of nature
you have decided to nurture.

I’m not keen on all that you do
so I’ll make a bargain with you:
I’ll stop if, when we’re in our den,
you’d play with me, put down your pen.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.

Almost Human

2014-08-25 15.00.43 2ALMOST HUMAN

I am almost human
so I well understand
exactly what you want
when you ask
if I’d like a “treat”
or if I want a “walk”
or to go to the “park”
or “go fetch” a “stick”
and “give to Mum”
or have a “tickle-tum”
and I’ll “shake a paw”.
I know what’s in store
with “breakfast” or “dinner”
and “time” for my “supper”
or even “go do a pee”.
Those words all mean
something to me.

But I am not human,
so I don’t understand
exactly what you mean
when you shout
“no!” “off!” “out!”
“stand!” “down!” “sit!”
“leave!” “stay!”  “wait!”
“go down!” or “be quiet!”
“over!” “heel!” or “come!”
or worse, “in your room!”
Those words are not
in my vocabulary.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


Birdwatching in my run

Birdwatching in my run


Two ugly pigeons
just waddle around
in our back garden,
not making much sound.
They’re fat and lazy
and stay here all day
pecking whatever
small birds throw away.

They can’t reach feeders,
they are much too fat,
they’re just a target
for our next door’s cat.
They sleep in the tree
that’s over my run.
I’m disgusted at
the mess that they’ve done.

Now and then some more
fly in here to play,
they tarry a while
but soon fly away.
I bark at them loud
but they show no fear,
and Mum says leave them
because they live here.

I’m fed up with them
strutting round the place
as if they own it.
I run and give chase.
They always escape.
It’s not very fair
that I can’t fly too.
Then they’d get a scare!

This is a slight modification to one of my earlier poems “Percy the wood pigeon” which I wrote in my previous Doggie Ditties chapbook.


2014-08-09 10.25.06 aAUTHORITY

“Hm. Hm. Just listen!
I’m in charge, not you!
I say what you do.
Now come! You come!”

But, Mum, no, no.
I don’t want to go.
That way’s no fun
I’m staying here,
sat on my bum.

“You will do as I say.
We are going this way!
Now come! You come!”

No! I’m refusing to shift.
I’m not going to lift
my butt
from this spot.
I want to go back
down that track.

“You can’t!
I don’t care what you want,
Now come! You come!”

I don’t like it there,
the traffic scares
me. I want to stay here
in the park where
I feel safe. That way!

“Stop trying to break free!
You’re safe with me.
Now come! You come!”

No, no! You can’t make me!
Free is how I want to be.
Oh, why didn’t you say
you’ve got a treat? Okay,
as you’ve put it that way,
I’ll come. I’ll come.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


WP_20150307_10_56_59_Pro 2CWIESCENCE

I’ve been sleeping.
When I’ve peed
I’ll need feeding.
I’ll dig, I’ll weed,
then I need feeding.

Give me tickling.
I’ll fetch the stick.
I’ll need feeding,
I’ll be cwite cwick
then I need feeding.

I’ve been filching.
I’ve hid the pet mitt.
I’ll need feeding
then I will get it,
then I need feeding.

I’ve been whining.
I’ll be cwiet in the night.
I’ll need feeding.
I’m begging, right?
Then I need feeding!

n.b. Some words with initial qu are of Old English origin, having changed their spelling after the Norman Conquest from cw- to qu-: cwen, cwic now written queen, quick. As per / topic / U

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD. Today’s prompt was challenging – write a poem using only two vowels. I chose i and e.



Please don’t be cross, of you I beg,DSCF4229
that I’ve chewed your kitchen chair leg.
I got bored with my new bull’s horn
and my rope-pull toys are all torn,
my deer antler’s in little bits,
my squeaky toy has done the splits,
my leather chews do not last long,
not like the pet toys made by Kong,
and my shin bones are all empty.
I know that I still have plenty
of other things that I could gnaw
but I’ve never chewed that leg before.

The leg sort of caught in my jaws
as I was just licking my paws.
I couldn’t resist. It wasn’t meant.
Actually it was an accident,
not at all intended to grieve.
You don’t believe me? You believe
I just wanted to ring the change?
Before you get within my range
I think I’d best go to my bed,
lie looking sick and swing the lead.

Note from Lexy: it wasn’t me
who chewed the chair legs.
They’ve been chewed for ages.
Actually, it was Jezzie!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


2014-06-20 17.23.36ARGUMENT

Hey! Let me give you a few basic house rules,
some you won’t even learn at dog training schools.
You will just have to learn to respect my place
and, by the way, I really value my face.
I don’t like to be bitten, even in play,
and my spectacles on my head need to stay.
Please leave my slippers on the soles of my feet,
and actually, my dear, that is MY seat.
I washed this morning, I do not need licking,
and I can’t mend chewed things, even by sticking.
You seem to be well versed in the science
of sheer obstinate canine defiance!


You’ve had your say, I’ve received it loud and clear.
Now I’ve a few words of advice for your ear.
We dogs are descended from wolves, big and brave,
and I am the pack leader, you are my slave.
It’s your job to nurture me, keep me amused,
and replace anything I’ve used or abused.
I don’t need to know about science or art,
the skill that I have is to follow my heart.
So if you make sure that I’m always well fed
and buy me new toys and blankets for my bed,
I’ll stay by your side, forever at your arm
to make certain that you never come to harm.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


Behind bars

Behind bars


It doesn’t take much to keep me happy:
all I need after you’ve “changed my nappy”,
and given me my breakfast and water,
and thrown my ball again that I’ve caught yer,
and walked me all around our country park,
where I could have a good wild run and bark,
and cleared up our backyard that I have messed,
to make me feel I am all loved and blessed
(apart from a nice bone, I’ll just mention)
absolute, undivided attention.

In return, nothing much have I to give
apart from giving you reason to live,
returning my ball, your slipper and glove,
unconditional, undivided love.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Almost Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


6 months old

6 months old


My dog needs some praising!
It’s absolutely amazing
how she just seems to know
exactly when I’m feeling low.
She’ll nuzzle up to me
and put her head upon my knee.
She will give me her paw
to help me stop from feeling raw.
She will lie by my side
while I’m nursing my injured pride.

I can’t tell how she feels.
when she gives her urgent appeals
with a squeal or a shriek.
All I can translate from dogspeak
is she wants to go out
for a wee, or possibly scout
for frogs around her run,
or thinks it must be time for fun.
Or does she want a walk?
Oh how I wish that she could talk!


I've stolen Mum's feather duster

I’ve stolen Mum’s feather duster


I have to be honest with you
I have a big confession too:
It’s not just damage that I do,
I like to run off with Mum’s shoe.

I have a collection of things,
nothing of value, no gold rings,
just mementos that I have found
as I’ve been wandering around.

Last week, one sunny afternoon,
I stole a tiny silver spoon.
It was as shiny as can be.
I just took that to bed with me.

Yesterday I found a cable
sitting on our kitchen table.
I ran off with that, it’s hidden
‘cos I know that it’s forbidden.

I’m an excellent pickpocket:
as I was passing Mum’s jacket
I pinched her handkerchief again.
I should go and work for Fagin!

I would make a useful robber,
better than the Artful Dodger.
Mum says I’m a terrible thief
but it gives me some light relief.

Anything left lying about
just must be mine, without a doubt.
I’ll nick it when she turns her back.
I’m just a kleptomaniac.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.



I have a confession to make.
I didn’t really mean to do it
but it was so near to my nose
that I just felt I had to chew it.
I just put my teeth around it,
and it came off before I knew it.
I have bitten a hole in it
and you can almost see right through it,
but you can fix it back can’t you?
Perhaps you’ll be able to glue it
or if that doesn’t work at all
maybe you would be wise to screw it.
It might look better without it
but that depends on how you view it.
I have been trying to be good
but it looks very like I blew it!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.



One year since when, from in our den,
our mother hen birthed yet again.
Eight brothers, then Sis and Heaven:
we numbered ten. We numbered ten.

My birthday’s come. I’m only one.
Been out with Mum, walked in the sun,
met with my chum, chased round my run,
had so much fun, had so much fun.

Out in the park I chased a duck
into the brook that’s full of muck.
‘Twas quite a shock. The thirteenth, yuk!
What stinking luck, what stinking luck!

Mum scrubbed me down with shampoo foam,
my coat she groomed with brush and comb,
then drove around to Pets at Home
to buy a bone. To buy a bone!

I hope she’s bought some special food
to help reward my improved mood.
There’s nothing new I’ve lately chewed:
I’ve been quite good, I’ve been quite good.

It could look worse, I must confess,
I know the place is in a mess.
Is that my pressie? Let me guess.
Please, please say yes. Please, please say yes.

I’m on all fours at my room door
with my front paws flat on the floor.
I do implore: I’ll shake a paw,
I’ll beg some more, I’ll beg some more!

What’s in that sack wrapped with a tag?
Is that a snack that’s in that bag?
My tail’s a-flapping like a flag!
Wag, wag, wag, wag. Wag, wag, wag, wag. 😉

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


I don't think Mum needed to read this magazine, did she?

I don’t think Mum needed to read this magazine, did she?

Monotetra Poem

I’ve chewed a big hole in the door,
I’ve pulled the lino off the floor,
I’ve stolen things out of the drawer.
I’ve wrecked still more, I’ve wrecked still more.

I’ve scratched some holes in the carpet,
I’ve bitten Mum when at the vet,
I’ve covered our kitchen with wet.
I’ve not done yet, I’ve not done yet.

I chased a man on a scooter,
I almost broke Mum’s computer,
I pulled a wire out of her router.
What a hooter! What a hooter!

I’ve run away with her best shoe,
I’ve torn a kitchen towel or two,
I’ve even picked up my own poo
and Mum said “Ugh!” And Mum said “Ugh!”

I’ve broken things that she can’t mend,
I scream and shout when I’ve been penned.
I’m driving Mum around the bend
at her wits’ end, at her wits’ end.

I’ve been naughty, I must admit,
and Mum freaks out and has a fit
about the damage that I commit.
She’s sick of it, she’s sick of it.

I’m now approaching adulthood
so I’ve decided that I could
behave myself just as I should.
I’ll now be good, I’ll now be good. 🙂

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


2014-09-07 13.06.54 2ANGUISH
Monotetra Poem

I was ripe and ready to mate.
I thought I’d found the perfect date:
he was strong and looked really great.
Why did we wait? Why did we wait?

That lad really had left his mark.
Every day we met in the park
and romped around just for a lark
’til it got dark, ’til it got dark.

Then in the car we took a ride,
I protested, wanted to hide
but could do nothing though I tried
Oh how I cried! Oh how I cried!

They had to drag me through the door
to the vet where I’d been before.
No more seasons that is for sure.
Sexy no more! Sexy no more!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


Please don’t tell me off


How was I to know?

It was just sitting there
in front of my nose.
all ready for my jaws
to wrap themselves around.

It wasn’t just the sound
that the machine makes,
nor your attention that it takes
away from me.

It was more
that I was bored.

I know it was new,
but what else could I do?

You say it cost a packet
and you would deduct
the cost from
what you spend
on my treats,
but it was there,
making a racket,
annoying me with its
whirr, whirr, whirr.

Knob gone from my dryer rendering it totally unusable and it’s only a few weeks old!

If we had a cat
I could blame it on her.

How could I imagine
that the knob would come off
and render your drying machine
totally useless?

I want your forgiveness.
I’m contrite.
I know it wasn’t right.
Please don’t frown.
I’m lying with my head held down
trying to look as small as I can. 😦

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.


WP_20141226_11_11_54_Pro 2ADOLESCENCE

I’m young and rebellious
as I’m sure you’ll all agree
and Mum’s tearing her hair out
wondering what to do with me.
She’s been fencing me in
bit by bit:
my run now has wire netting
all around it
but my teeth are strong
as I’m a GSD
and wire netting simply
doesn’t bother me.
I’ve pulled it off again
so I can still chew
her wooden fences
when I want to.
Mum’s put slabs down
so I cannot dig
but I’ve still dug a hole,
although not very big.
I charge around my run
chasing every bird
barking louder than
you’ve ever heard.
She’s bought a doggy whistle
to stop me going berserk,
but I can tell you now
that’s not going to work!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.

Audacity (a Gwawdodyn Poem)

a Gwawdodyn poem

She is sitting writing in her chair
I need attention so I don’t care
I drop my toy on her lap to annoy
and give her a very pointed stare.

She throws it off, but I fetch it back:
anything to keep her off her track.
I’m feeling lonely. I want love only
I’ll risk the chance of getting a smack. Continue reading


WP_20150330_09_09_19_Pro 2AUDACITY

She’s writing her daily poem
sitting on her chair
with her laptop on her lap
but I don’t care.
I want some of her attention
and I’m trying to annoy
so onto her laptop
I drop my mucky toy.
She throws it back at me
and I fetch it back.
I continue in this way to
put her off her track.
I will then steal her slipper
and run around the place
with her in hot pursuit
giving me chase.
If that’s not bad enough
the next thing that I do
is steal from her pocket
a tissue to chew.
I go into my room
to my dish to have a drink
and come back in dripping
where do you think?
Yes, all over her computer
I know that makes her mad
but I just can’t stop myself
from being bad.
And when she gets up
I jump into her chair
and refuse to budge.
No-one else would dare!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.

Abandonment ( A Golden Shovel Poem)

Golden Shovel Poem

“What is this life if full of care
we have no time to stand and stare”.
(with apologies to W H Davies)

You left me with what
you seem to think is
going to help this
pain go away. My life
is totally meaningless if
you’re not here and my heart’s full
of misery because of
the thought that you don’t care.

I want to be with you
all the time and have
you sitting near me. No
treats can replace the time
you spend away from me to
go out. It is more than I can stand
waiting for your return and
all I can do is sit here and stare.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.

Here are the rules for the Golden Shovel: Continue reading

Absentmindedness (a Terzanelle Poem)

A Terzanelle Poem

I have this secret to share:
she cannot find her glasses.
I know exactly where

and as time passes
she’ll find them again.
She cannot find her glasses

she has a mixed-up brain.
She is so absent-minded.
She’ll find them again,

they’re actually on her head!
She can keep secrets:
she is so absent-minded,

but she never forgets
where she’s hidden her wine.
She can keep secrets

I will not keep mine.
I have this secret to share:
where she’s hidden her wine
I know exactly where.

Extract from 2015 April PAD Challenge, day 2:- Terzanelle Poetic Form
What do you get when you mix two super popular Italian poetic forms, specifically the terza rima and villanelle? The terzanelle, of course!

It combines the lyricism of the terza rima with the repetition of the villanelle to make a powerful one-two punch in only 19 lines. The traditional stance on the terzanelle is that the lines should be written in a consistent iambic meter, but there are plenty of contemporary terzanelles that just aspire to keep the lines a consistent length throughout.

Here’s the rhyme and refrain order for the Terzanelle: Continue reading

Adoration (a Triversen poem)

WP_20150329_18_42_14_Pro 2ADORATION
(Triversen poem)

I adore her
every step she takes
as I walk beside her.

I eagerly wait
for her to return
when she’s been out late.

I sit watching her hand
waiting patiently
for her command.

I lie on the ground
keeping one ear open
listening for her sound.

I will protect her
from harm and comfort her
from all that affects her.

I know that she needs me
and I love her especially
when she feeds me.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.

Triversen rules: Continue reading

Appearances (a Bref Double poem)

A Bref Double Poem

Her résumé looks quite impressive,
the world thinks that she is bright and smart,
although she’s not really that clever,
as a worker, she’s extremely keen.

Her garden is always well tended,
with her housework she is obsessive
and she scrubs up well, that I can tell,
she likes ev’rything pristine and clean.

Her shell is rough, tough on the outside
and extremely difficult to crack,
but she has a very soft boiled heart.
You should know exactly what I mean.

Appearances can be deceptive
I see her when she’s falling apart.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.

Here are the rules for a bref double:

Continue reading



Appearance can be deceptive
her demeanour looks impressive.
The world thinks that she’s tough and smart
but I see her when she’s falling apart.

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.



V isitors came here last night.
E veryone brought some food.
G atherings happen here often.
E ach time I get in a mood.
T hey leave me alone in my room
A s they all enjoy their feast.
B ut what about little me? I’d
L ike some of their meat at least.
E ventually all that I got
S aved for me was a carrot!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD. Day 5 – write a vegetable poem

© 2015 Jezebel Myschka




She cannot hoodwink me:
I recognise the signs.
I know she’s leaving me.
She’s done up to the nines.
She has that special smell,
her hair is set in curls,
her makeup’s done so well
and she is wearing pearls.

Where could she be going?
She says she won’t be long.
I can’t settle knowing
that I can’t go along.
She is breaking my heart
leaving me all alone.
She thinks I’ll be content
just chewing on this bone!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.



Whirr, whirr, whirr!
Her vacuum machine!
She uses it every day.
The noise drives me mad
but actually I have to say
I’d prefer my pad
to be more serene
but still clean.

Whirr, whirr, whirr!
Her washing machine!
What a dreadful racket that makes
while I try to snooze
and then when it’s over she takes
her stuff out to use
her drying machine.
That’s so mean!

I like radio.
That is on all day
to stop me feeling all alone,
or so they all say.
But constant ringing on her phone,
irritates me so.
That should go!

Can I get some peace?
It’s very hard for me to sleep
soundly as I should
because I always have to keep
aware of no good,
as the house police.
Less noise please!

The very worst thing
that aggravates me
is her perishing computer.
Hours spent that should be
quality time spent together
walking or playing.
Just saying!

Another Doggy Ditty using my theme “Only Human” which I hope to be able to use throughout this April PAD.



She puts her gold necklace
or her earrings
on the shelf.

But she’s a secret place
where she hides things
from herself.

Like bottles of red wine
or chocolate
or good cheese.

Then when it’s the right time
she’ll fetch them out
just to please.

It is strange, to be sure,
is why it is

she can remember where
are her glasses
not at all

but will never forget
just where her treat
is hiding.

It is well hidden yet
it won’t defeat
her finding. Continue reading