A Boy and his Dog

Roger sat in his recliner chair overlooking the garden, thinking back on his life. He hadn’t done anything extraordinary, but overall he had enjoyed it. Well he had, until his wife had left him six months ago, for a younger man. It had come as a complete surprise to Roger when she suddenly announced over dinner that she was leaving the next day. Why hadn’t he seen it coming?

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Love letter from the future

Mum was down at the shops when Max was trying to retrieve his ball from under the desk in the study, but it had gone so far under, even I couldn’t reach it, so I pulled out the heavy desk so I could get behind it. It was then that I realised that the desk was actually in front of a door. Curiosity got the better of me, and I pulled out the desk further so that I could open the door. I don’t know why I was surprised to find a staircase leading down to a cellar.  Continue reading